BKFC KnuckleMania 4 weigh-in video, results - MMA Fighting

Watch the BKFC KnuckleMania weigh-ins to see how headliners Mike Perry and Thiago Alves tip the scales.

4Watch Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship’s KnuckleMania 4 event weigh-ins ahead of Saturday’s card at the Peacock Theater in Los Angeles. Mike Perry (184.0) vs.

Thiago Alves (183.9). Mick Terrill (249.0) vs.

Lorenzo Hunt (236.3). Alfredo Angulo (171.7) vs.

Evgeny Kurdanov (169.8) vs. Julian Lane (168.6).

Crystal Pittman (135.0) vs. Sydney Smith (134.4) David Diaz (137.5) vs Andrew Angelcor (154.6) vs Ruben Warr (154.6) Daniel Alvarez (135.4) vs Victor Rosas (135.4) Prelims (MMA Fighting at 9 p.m. ET).

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